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supportive care for all families

WHy choose Coastal midwifery care? 


Every birth is unique, and your experience matters.

Here’s what makes us different:

Holistic & Evidence-Based Care

Keeping you and your baby safe, while honoring the sacredness of pregnancy, birth & postpartum.

Personalized Support for Every Birth Plan

We listen to your needs and respect your choices. This is your birth journey - we are here to help you achieve your goals.

Support for All Births

Whether at home or in a hospital, we have options for you. Regardless of venue, we will support you and your growing family.

Care in the Comfort of Your Home 

Your Midwife comes to you for all appointments! Don't worry about wrangling your children or putting on shoes - we come to you.


Comprehensive Care for Growing Families

Prenatal Home Visit
Home Water Birth, Delayed Cord Clamping


At Coastal Midwifery Care, we are dedicated to providing personalized and holistic care for women and families throughout the childbearing year. Our approach focuses on empowerment, education, and nurturing support to ensure a positive and transformative experience.

Home Water Birth
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